Tuesday, September 20, 2011

small victories

Woohoo!  I lost 2.5 pounds!  Not quite my goal, but I didn't work out at all this week.  So I'm content with my results. 

This weekend I'm going to the beach and I'm hoping I can control myself.  Haha. 
My poor hubby has had to fend for himself for pretty much every meal.  I'm not quite adjusted to working third shift yet and my house is suffering.  And this week I picked up two shifts so I've worked the last 11 days.  Woo.  I'm excited to see my check!  Well now that I've gotten completely off topic I'm going to bed. :o)

until next time...

Monday, September 12, 2011

the plan

Hubs and I decided that we are going to do Weight Watchers again.  We've done it before and lost a combined 60 pounds, and almost seven years ago I did it by myself and lost 50 pounds.  It's the easiest and best diet for our lifestyle.  He usually works 1p-9p and I just started at the hospital, working 11p-7a.  It's been very hard adjusting to working third shift, I never have before and it has made eating right hard.  I know that it is just a matter of sliding my eating times around a little bit, but it is really strange to wake up at 8p and eat breakfast when hubs is eating dinner.  I am getting used to it though, it shouldn't be too long and I will be eating ice cream (Skinny Cow of course) at 7a!  

Hubs borrowed the Insanity workout from a friend.  However, we are not starting that right away.  We NEVER exercise, and Insanity is really intense.  I've done the fit test and I thought I was going to die, seriously.  We bought the Wii Fit last year, so we are starting with that and working our way up.

I've been very bad this weekend.  Monday-Friday, I did great.  Saturday, we went to the fair, and Sunday we had company over to watch the game.  So, I didn't lose anything and I am still at 276 pounds.  I'm thankful I did not gain after this weekend of weakness. However, it is a new week and my goal is to lose at least 4 pounds this week. 

I want to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year and 136 pounds total.  I know that I can achieve both of these goals.  I just have to keep moving forward and not let anything set me back.

Until next time...

Also, thank you for all the encouraging words!  It's great to know that I have so much love and support!!  :o)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the beginning

I have always struggled with my weight, I will lose 20 pounds and then hit a plateau.  Then I will be stuck on the plateau for months.  This time will be different.  How?  Well I'll figure that out along the way.  Welcome to my totally candid, super personal and occasionally frustrating journey.  :o)

Stats:height; 5'6"
weight: 276 lbs
BMI: 44.39
bust: 50"
waist: 47"
hips: 55"
thighs: 29"
arms: 17"

 And now for the unflattering before pictures; front, back and side.

Now, for my promise to you.  I promise to blog at least once a week.  I will update my weight weekly, measurements monthly and pictures occasionally. 

