Wednesday, September 7, 2011

the beginning

I have always struggled with my weight, I will lose 20 pounds and then hit a plateau.  Then I will be stuck on the plateau for months.  This time will be different.  How?  Well I'll figure that out along the way.  Welcome to my totally candid, super personal and occasionally frustrating journey.  :o)

Stats:height; 5'6"
weight: 276 lbs
BMI: 44.39
bust: 50"
waist: 47"
hips: 55"
thighs: 29"
arms: 17"

 And now for the unflattering before pictures; front, back and side.

Now, for my promise to you.  I promise to blog at least once a week.  I will update my weight weekly, measurements monthly and pictures occasionally. 




  1. Melikie, I'm so proud of you for taking control and deciding to publish your journey! It can be hard to blog about weight loss, especially when you aren't doing as well as you think you should be, but it can be really cathartic and supportive, too. Good luck, and know that you're not alone on your journey to weight loss! Love you!!!

  2. I think you are absolutely beautiful just the way you are! But, I totally understand where you are coming from. Best of luck and I love you!

  3. Good Luck Nicole! You're way braver than I am! I can't post my stats, NO WAY! When you hit your goal we'll go somewhere you like to do a FUN & FREE photo shoot of the new you to celebrate! Love you! Carmen
    PS> You should start your own "weight watchers". I'll join you :-)

  4. Thanks Melikie!! Love you too!!

    Christa, you are so sweet, thank you! I love you too!!

    That sounds awesome Carmen!! Thanks! Love you too!! My own 'weight watchers'...I think that would be an awesome idea! We need to get together soon anyway, we can talk more about it then!!
