Tuesday, September 20, 2011

small victories

Woohoo!  I lost 2.5 pounds!  Not quite my goal, but I didn't work out at all this week.  So I'm content with my results. 

This weekend I'm going to the beach and I'm hoping I can control myself.  Haha. 
My poor hubby has had to fend for himself for pretty much every meal.  I'm not quite adjusted to working third shift yet and my house is suffering.  And this week I picked up two shifts so I've worked the last 11 days.  Woo.  I'm excited to see my check!  Well now that I've gotten completely off topic I'm going to bed. :o)

until next time...


  1. Ugh, transitioning into a new job and finding the balance for work/sleep/cooking/keeping the house clean was really hard for me, too. I felt like a failure because I would come home from my teaching job and Opha would have spent the day fending for himself so he wanted to be taken care of but I would be too exhausted to cook anything, do laundry, clean, etc. It sucked. But you will find that balance, I promise :) And YAYYY for losing 2.5 pounds!!! I'm so excited and proud of you! It may not have been your goal, but at least it's something lost and not gained :) Great job Melikie!!

  2. Thanks Melikie! I just really miss a normal schedule. It has been so crazy around here and luckily Ken is completely understanding. I've not been very strict with myself and that has got to change. I'm really good at sabotaging myself. :o/ But I can and will do this! I really appreciate all the support you give me!! It makes me feel better knowing someone has been going through the same things!! ♥
